To really get attention in your residential landscape you need some focal point trees/shrubs. A focal point is a tree or shrub that is meant to draw the eye. A well-picked focal point will stand out from its surroundings. I have readers all over the world so it’s hard to put together a list of trees specific to any one climate and have it be correct. So I’ll focus more on the characteristics of the plants than the specific kind of plant. I will however mention specific plants in my climate to help with examples.

A focal point tree will need to be sized to gather the most attention. For the average yard that is around 6-12ft tall. If it’s a focal point tree accross. In Utah where I live (zone 6) these include Rose of Sharon Tree, Camperdownii Weeping Elm, Snowfountain Weeping Cherry, Lavender Twist Redbud, Eastern Redbud, Blue Atlus Cedar, Radiant Crabapple, Miss Kim Lilac on Standard. As I list off specific plants make sure to do some research and make sure they will grow in your climate before buying one.
Unique Features
Choose a tree that will stand out from its surroundings. A focal point tree will have a color or shape different from its surroundings. It might be twisted or weeping, or branch low. It might stand out by its color. The purple leaves of the Tansy Redbud, or the blue color of the Globe Blue Spruce. The pink flowers of the Saucer Magnolia, the white flowers of the Stella Magnolias.

Combining Plants
A focal point tree should not be placed with plants that are similar to it. For example, don’t put a Snowfountain weeping cherry in a group of Mockorange shrubs, because both have white blossoms and would blend together. There needs to be a contrast between the flocal point and the surrounding shrubs. Another thing to keep in mind is the structural elements (buildings, fences, and other structures). For example don’t put a red leafed Japanese Maple next to a red brick house. Red against red, rather try a white tree (such as a Stella Magnolia) against the red brick house.