Journaling at least for my girls has been one of the top motivators for them to learn how to read. They LOVE their journals and are proud of them! We all love to go back and read at the things they have written in the past.

For my younger kids I’d ask them what they wanted to write then I’d write what they tell me lightly in pencil and have them write over my writing with pen. For older kids I’d ask what they wanted to write about then I’d write it down (or type it up and print it) then let them copy it down in their journal. I let them choose pictures that I print for them and help them tape into their journals. They are every excited and proud of their journals.
Some Ideas for kids to write about:
- Family activity or vacation
- Write about Siblings
- A pet (and or pets)
- Sports they enjoy
- Friends they like to play with
- Neighbors
- Things they enjoy doing (biking, legos, barbies, etc)
- A Favorite Aunt or Uncle
- An Experience with a Grandma or Grandpa
Happy Journaling!